Saturday 4 September 2010

Would you like to help with a new West Bridgford group?

When I set up the Bumps and Babies group last year, I always hoped that if it was successful it might lead to a second group for older babies and young toddlers under 2 years.

The B&B group seems really strong at the moment and it's been lovely to see lots of you getting involved with the NCT by supporting and helping with the Cheeky Monkey Tea Party, volunteering to co ordinate the swim meets, covering B&B on the days I can't make it and organising First Aid courses. I know some of you have also expressed interest in further involvement with the NCT branch by helping to organise a future Nearly New Sale in West Bridgford.

As your babies get older you may feel that you need to move on from the B&B group. It would be such a shame to lose you and I wondered whether any of you would be interested in helping our NCT branch to set up and run a new group in WB for babies on the move!

I would love to help to set up the group and would support it as much as possible through my role as Branch Co ord, but I couldn't commit to running the group on a weekly basis.

If you would like to get involved in the set up/running of the new group and have any ideas (especially regarding venue.. I'm not sure whether the Arena would be suitable as we need somewhere with storage space for all the toys), then please let me know.

I could put those interested in touch with each other and then hopefully it would take off from there!

Let me know what you think

West Bridgford Bumps and Babies Host
; [original article]

Tuesday 27 July 2010

West Bridgford Bumps and Babies- 1st Birthday! And Cheeky Monkeys and Pizza Express

A reminder that we have a coffee meet up at Pizza Express in West Bridgford on Friday 6th August at 10.30am. For those who are new to the group, we hold these meet ups on the first Friday of every month. Pizza Express open their doors an hour early so we have the restaurant to ourselves.

This Pizza Express meet up falls on the same day as our Cheeky Monkey Tea Party. I'm planning to walk up to the Tea Party after having a coffee and catch up at Pizza Express. If anyone else would like to do the same then maybe a group of us could walk up together.

Look forward to seeing any of you who can make it to B&B this Thursday. I'm bringing lots of cake to celebrate WB B&B 1st Birthday : )

Claire; [original article]

Saturday 1 May 2010

West Bridgford Bumps and Babies Cancelled for Election Day (6 May)

I've just found out that Rushcliffe Arena are using the meeting room as a Polling station for the election next Thursday 6th May. They don't have another room we could use and so I'm sorry but we will have to cancel Bumps &Babies next week.

We have a Pizza Express, WB coffee meet up next Friday 7th May at 10.30am though for those who can make it.

Have a great weekend

Friday 26 March 2010

Easter arrangements, First Aid courses and Swim meet

Just a reminder that the B&B group will run as usual over the school Easter hols. Although I can't make it next week, Laura (Abigail's mum) has kindly offered to stand in for me and will bring the milk etc.

The first swim meet at David Lloyd went really well yesterday. 14 mums came with their little ones. If you are registered with West Bridgford Bumps and Babies, you'll receive another email soon letting you know the date for the next swim meet. Please remember that you need to respond to that email and put your name on the guest list to attend (rather than just turn up on the day).

I think that there are still going to be one or two places available on the First Aid courses if anyone else is interested (I'm just waiting for confirmation from a couple of people).

A reminder that there won't be a meet up at Pizza Express on the Fri 2nd April (as it's Good Friday).

I've noticed that lots of you who have joined the group recently have expressed interest in a Sat morn meet up for Dads (on your registration form). It'd be great to get a Dads' group up and running. Lots of branches have really successful Dads' groups with monthly Sat morn meet ups, social evenings etc. Please could those who are interested have a chat with their husband/partner and see how they feel? We really need one Dad to volunteer to co ordinate this and then I think it would take off. Our NCT branch would offer lots of support and help. Please let me know if your husband/partner would be interested in getting involved.

A big welcome to all those who are new to the group. Please find attached a Welcome letter that explains more about the group and the other activities that we run.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter

Claire; [original article]

West Bridgford Bumps and Babies

Welcome to the blog for our NCT Bumps & Babies group which is held in West Bridgford. The group has been set up to give new parents somewhere supportive and welcoming to meet in the later stages of pregnancy and during the first year with their baby.

The group is held in a meeting room in Rushcliffe Arena Leisure Centre. We have lots of soft blankets, toys and cushions on the floor for the babies and for the parents we have lots tea, coffee and chocolate biscuits! We also have NCT parenting info and books that you are welcome to borrow. Our NCT breast-feeding counsellor pops along to the group whenever she can to chat to parents and offer support. We also invite outside providers such as Baby massage, Baby music, Post-natal fitness etc to come along every few weeks to give a 20 min demo. This is to give new parents an idea of the other possible activities that they may enjoy with their new baby.

In addition to the weekly meet up every Thursday, we also meet for coffee in West Bridgford once a month. Pizza Express has kindly agreed to open their doors early at 10.30am on the first Friday of every month so we have the restaurant all to ourselves and take over with our pushchairs, babies and bumps! We have also just begun a monthly free swim and coffee meet up at David Lloyd in West Bridgford. We arrange First Aid courses for new parents and we hope to set up a monthly Saturday morning meet up for new dads.

The group has been running since the beginning of August last year. It has been lovely to see parents come along to the group in the later stages of pregnancy, get to know the venue and support each other in the last few weeks and then come again with their tiny new babies!

You would be so welcome to come along and join us. The group is open to all parents (you don’t have to be a member of the NCT). We would love to meet you and support you if we can.

If you would like to come along or have any questions then please contact us on

With very best wishes
